Annnnd I haven't blogged since August! I always have the best intentions, but work schedules and personal schedules get in the way. Here is a quick recap of the rest of 2015. Since we are already knee-deep in 2016, I'll do a quick re-cap there as well. Which should basically get us all caught up- right?
Engagement Party - I owe you a separate post on that alone, but here is a sneak preview.
Baylor Game (our only one we were able to make it to this past season). We were unable to make it to Baylor Homecoming this year, and I was so bummed out about that. I had a conference for work, so I just couldn't go. This would have been the first time since I graduated (in 2008) to miss a homecoming. So, a group of us decided to make the best out of the situation, and we bought tickets for the West Virginia game the weekend before. Lucky us, but Homecoming actually got rained out this year because of some bad weather, so many of the activities were cancelled. So we actually got to enjoy a beautiful Waco weekend minus the Homecoming crowds and got to visit some of our favorite places (i.e. George's, Common Grounds, Spice!!!). #hearthappy
California for Thanksgiving
California for Christmas and the Ho-Family Christmas party Krob and I threw at our house! The theme was tacky, and I'm not gonna lie- those elf socks kept my feet cozy! And by the time Krob and I went on the hunt for our tacky outfits... the entire city of Houston purchased every single tacky sweater in existence. So matching tacky pj's for the win!
Taniguchi Fam |
We kissed 2015 goodbye and spent New Year's Eve at a party thrown by one of Aaron's friends- complete with some midnight wakeboarding.
Aaron and I have literally (and figuratively) hit the ground running in 2016. We are celebrating some milestone birthdays this year - (Hello 30!) and wedding planning is in full swing (actually, if I'm being honest with myself - it should be in more of a "swing" than it currently is)!
January 2016
This will be the month known as the wedding for one of my sorority sisters in Dallas, Kim's 30th and the half marathon I did not run!! First off, Dallas is way colder than Houston! It was freezing, but the wedding was beautiful, and it makes my heart happy to run into friends from college and get all caught up! We took the obligatory Zeta pic, which is always a good time! And we may or may not have stopped at
Emporium Pies on the way back to Houston. #delish
Look - we always try to do something new and out of the box for birthdays. 30 is big, so we had some pressure on us. Krob and I planned a
high tea for Kim's 30th. Now, if you are asking why we would take someone to a high tea for their 30th....let me also add that it came with bottomless champagne #definitelynotboring, and now I am a big fan of high tea. We did a fun hibachi dinner as well so the guys had something to enjoy!
Now back to that half marathon I didn't run. This would have been my fifth year in a row to run the
Houston half marathon. This was also the year I would have been the least trained to run. Aaron ended up having to take a trip to Florida for work, so we both deferred our race. We will be back (and better trained) for 2017!
Engagement pictures, bridesmaid and moh asking and Krob's 30th! We are currently in week two of February (but who's keeping track), and it will be another eventful month. My allergies are literally killing me this month, and I've been through one round of hives and another round of antibiotics. Luckily, I think I'm finally at a place where the outdoors isn't slowly killing me!
Krob's 30th is this month. Krob is the type of friend who is always doing so much for everyone else - so this lady deserves to be celebrated! I'm planning a big party and have some fun tricks up my sleeve. More details on that to come.
I've (finally) asked (some) of my wedding party, and Aaron is almost done asking his, so I'm excited to share the full group once ya'll know who you are :) I was looking for the perfect way to do my asking, and
Marrygrams had the cutest cards! They have so many cute ideas for some of the smaller wedding details, and I can't wait to pick out more for our special day!
Finally, one of my favorite memories of 2016 so far- we took our engagement pictures this past weekend and had an absolute blast. In true Kira and Aaron fashion, parts of it were definitely a hot mess (dogs- worth it, but DRUG THEM first), and the sneak peeks I've seen so far have so exceeded my expectations. More on that to come!!!
Happy Hump Day.....
(my dress is finally in, so I'm trying it on tonight, and I can't wait)