Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's Fall Ya'll

So I know I have taken quite the blogging hiatus over the past month- or maybe even two. But no worries, I'm back- and more ready to blog than ever. So as not to bore you with all the little details- I'll just give you a quick recap. Sorry for the lack of pics (my camera cord seems to have gone missing during the move).

Lately I...

1. Moved to my new "big girl" apartment, which I love, but now a month later- and I'm still trying to unpack. Thank God for boyfriends and drills. Pics to come.

2. Went for a weekend trip in Galveston for my 24th birthday. Pics to come. I'm officially old.

3. Have been freelancing for the magazine. I recently wrote a story on breast cancer survivors.

4. Started another bootcamp- this one is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A co-worker and I go after work since it's right around the corner.

5. Have been working like crazy, but loving it. In between meetings, deadlines and calls, the past three months have been quite the learning experience. I really enjoy it- and I love our team- I am exactly where I should be right now.

On the "To-Do" List: 

1. Take some time to slow down and just enjoy life a little.

And I say that because I am guilty as charged. Too often we go running through life- always with the "next" thing in mind. We jump out of bed in the mornings, run to the coffee pot, desperately wait until the first sip of caffeine does its job, rush through a shower, frantically pull on a work appropriate outfit, and rush out of the door.

Then, we sit in traffic- checking our watches and anxiously tapping our steering wheel as we edge closer to the person in front of us- as if those few inches will get us there faster. When we finally arrive at work- we rush through the door with a few minutes to spare before the first meeting. Well... you get the picture. There is a whole lot of rushing around- until Sunday afternoon rolls around and you realize your entire weekend was spent checking things off of your social calendar- and that you have literally spent maybe 20 minutes to yourself just to be still.

We (and by "we," I mean "me") totally forget to pay attention and be thankful for the things that matter. We become grumpy and rundown. We forget that life- and the people in our lives- make it beautiful. We forget that the 75 degree weather we have been dreaming of all summer- is finally here- and that we should make it a point to take advantage of it on our new balcony. We forget that fall- our favorite season- has finally arrived- and that it's long past due to break out the fall decor. And most importantly, we forget to be thankful.

So now I'm taking time to remember to be thankful for- that first drop of coffee that I know will wake me up, for the smell of fall when I open my door to leave in the morning, for the briskness in the morning that holds all the promise of a nice 75 degree day, for the weekends that are filled with friends and fun- and surely even a few moments where we can squeeze in some relaxation.

And be thankful for these:

And these:

Happy Fall- I'm glad to be back :)


  1. I'm gonna add to your to-do list:

    2. Bachelorette party and "special" cupcakes with Kim.

    I'm really excited about seeing you!
