Oh.... to be young and carefree.... and footloose and fancy free!!!
More on this tomorrow....
But for now- I'm finished with my master's report- and I just jumped up and down on my bed like a little girl... that's right- I owned the moment....
And to top off an already productive evening- there was good wine and good friends and good conversation.
In case my blog just isn't enough- here is where I'm drawing some of my inspiration from these days. This girl is so young, wise beyond her years- and she's pretty darn creative too- oh yeah, and she makes me smile.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Late Night Ramblings
I did it- I counted how many hours I've spent on my computer today- and it's scary. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I didn't believe it when I did the math in my head, so I had to write it all out- here is the breakdown:
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. : internship= 2 hours on the computer
11 a.m. to noon: Class = no computer time
Noon to 3 p.m.: internship = 3 hours on the computer
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.: homeworking = 2 hours on the computer
5 p.m. to 6 p.m.: dinner, getting my coffee ready for tomorrow (the important things right?) and driving to Ryan's = no computer
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: blogging+homework = 2 hours on the computer
10:30 to midnight: more homework = 1.5 hours on the computer
So, if I did my math correctly: 2+3+2+2+1.5 = 10.5 hours on the computer (oh balls!!!)
And now I'm doing something I really don't like doing- bringing my comp. to bed with me. Don't get me wrong, I heart my mac. In fact- it goes pretty much everywhere with me. I've been trying to be extra careful with it lately because it's storing precious cargo (my master's report, which just in the event something were to go wrong, is backed up in two other locations). Sometimes, I just feel like I'm on technology overload. And today is one of those days. But Lord knows I wouldn't survive in pre-computer days, so I guess I can't complain.
Well, the reason I'm bringing my computer to bed tonight is so I can spend some more quality time with my master's report. Looking at it, reading, re-reading, tweaking, editing, deleting, undoing, redoing- the writing process is never perfect .... and almost never finished.
So, goodnight to all: 9 class days left- still trying to cherish my last days as a student, but getting SO excited about the next chapter. It still feels like a dream.
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. : internship= 2 hours on the computer
11 a.m. to noon: Class = no computer time
Noon to 3 p.m.: internship = 3 hours on the computer
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.: homeworking = 2 hours on the computer
5 p.m. to 6 p.m.: dinner, getting my coffee ready for tomorrow (the important things right?) and driving to Ryan's = no computer
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: blogging+homework = 2 hours on the computer
10:30 to midnight: more homework = 1.5 hours on the computer
So, if I did my math correctly: 2+3+2+2+1.5 = 10.5 hours on the computer (oh balls!!!)
And now I'm doing something I really don't like doing- bringing my comp. to bed with me. Don't get me wrong, I heart my mac. In fact- it goes pretty much everywhere with me. I've been trying to be extra careful with it lately because it's storing precious cargo (my master's report, which just in the event something were to go wrong, is backed up in two other locations). Sometimes, I just feel like I'm on technology overload. And today is one of those days. But Lord knows I wouldn't survive in pre-computer days, so I guess I can't complain.
Well, the reason I'm bringing my computer to bed tonight is so I can spend some more quality time with my master's report. Looking at it, reading, re-reading, tweaking, editing, deleting, undoing, redoing- the writing process is never perfect .... and almost never finished.
So, goodnight to all: 9 class days left- still trying to cherish my last days as a student, but getting SO excited about the next chapter. It still feels like a dream.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A Little Visitor
I had a little house-guest this weekend:
I babysat J-Fred's dog, Baylie!!! We had fun- we played, we ate and we went on walks!!! She enjoyed posing for pics!!!
I babysat J-Fred's dog, Baylie!!! We had fun- we played, we ate and we went on walks!!! She enjoyed posing for pics!!!
Spring has Sprung
And one of my favorite things about spring: the pastel colored M&Ms that make their appearance right around this time every year.
Oh happy day- and oh how they make me happy as I make my way into the last two weeks of school.
Oh happy day- and oh how they make me happy as I make my way into the last two weeks of school.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Where I Was 2 Years Ago
And- as a follow-up to my previous post, here is how I was living two-years ago. How fun it was!!!
- Ryan and I were going to our very last function- Zeta's semi-formal.
- Krob, Ryan, Moose and I were looking for my new apartment in Austin- and spending a little bit of time on Sixth Street.
- I was posing with my Zeta family and going to ATO's Take-A-Date to the Fort Worth Zoo.
- I was going to Piano Man with some of my favorite people.
And finally, I was going to Ryan's last function- ATO formal!!!!
- Ryan and I were going to our very last function- Zeta's semi-formal.
- Krob, Ryan, Moose and I were looking for my new apartment in Austin- and spending a little bit of time on Sixth Street.
- I was posing with my Zeta family and going to ATO's Take-A-Date to the Fort Worth Zoo.
- I was going to Piano Man with some of my favorite people.
And finally, I was going to Ryan's last function- ATO formal!!!!
How Time Flies
I've been in a sentimental mood lately. Endings are weird, goodbyes are the worst thing in the world. Always a fan of an "I'll see ya later," as opposed to a tearful "goodbye," I've been thinking a lot about the "I'll see ya laters," that will inevitably occur after I walk the stage for graduation on May 22nd.
Two years ago, I found myself fresh out of undergrad and I had the fancy degree hanging on my wall to prove it. I was about to start the newest chapter in my life: grad school. Grad school is hard- period.
So anyways, two years ago, I found myself willing away the next two years of grad school so I could begin my career. Don't get me wrong- I have enjoyed grad school from the beginning, because I like to learn, but there has been a part of me that is so excited at the prospect of finally starting my career. The days couldn't go by fast enough. I counted down the days until the end of each semester. I wrote, I studied and I read furiously- and then I wrote some more. All the while, hoping THE day would come- the day when I wouldn't be a student anymore.
As I find myself a mere 12 class days away from being done with my career as a student forever, there is a part of my that wants to step on the brakes as hard and as fast as I can. I just need a moment to "be." I have realized that all the time I spent wishing, hoping and imagining the feeling I would feel when I turned in my last paper- or when I handed in my thesis- I realize that I have forgotten to enjoy some of the everyday triumphs that I might experience like getting an "A" on a paper I spent months working on- or meeting every single one of my deadlines.
So, here I find myself about two weeks out from May 10- the day I will hand in my last paper. I can taste freedom- it's tangible now- I can almost reach out and touch it, but for now, I'm trying to relish the simplicity of the moment.
In no way do I mean my life is simplistic right now. In fact, I have a million thoughts running circles in my head at any given moment. My poor brain feels like it's running a marathon. I still have about 11,000 words that need to be polished and re-written. What I mean-is that I'm trying to take mental snapshots of what it is like to be a student- before I am not one anymore. I'm trying to preserve the way I still get nervous when I have to give a presentation and trying to hold onto that "morning after" feeling when I've stayed up too late putting the final touches on my story. I'm trying to remember what it is like to be carefree and not worried about bills or work or being an adult. And most importantly, I'm trying to be thankful- for all that is to come in these next few weeks and for all the happy moments and "lasts" that will be experienced.
Two years ago, I found myself fresh out of undergrad and I had the fancy degree hanging on my wall to prove it. I was about to start the newest chapter in my life: grad school. Grad school is hard- period.
So anyways, two years ago, I found myself willing away the next two years of grad school so I could begin my career. Don't get me wrong- I have enjoyed grad school from the beginning, because I like to learn, but there has been a part of me that is so excited at the prospect of finally starting my career. The days couldn't go by fast enough. I counted down the days until the end of each semester. I wrote, I studied and I read furiously- and then I wrote some more. All the while, hoping THE day would come- the day when I wouldn't be a student anymore.
As I find myself a mere 12 class days away from being done with my career as a student forever, there is a part of my that wants to step on the brakes as hard and as fast as I can. I just need a moment to "be." I have realized that all the time I spent wishing, hoping and imagining the feeling I would feel when I turned in my last paper- or when I handed in my thesis- I realize that I have forgotten to enjoy some of the everyday triumphs that I might experience like getting an "A" on a paper I spent months working on- or meeting every single one of my deadlines.
So, here I find myself about two weeks out from May 10- the day I will hand in my last paper. I can taste freedom- it's tangible now- I can almost reach out and touch it, but for now, I'm trying to relish the simplicity of the moment.
In no way do I mean my life is simplistic right now. In fact, I have a million thoughts running circles in my head at any given moment. My poor brain feels like it's running a marathon. I still have about 11,000 words that need to be polished and re-written. What I mean-is that I'm trying to take mental snapshots of what it is like to be a student- before I am not one anymore. I'm trying to preserve the way I still get nervous when I have to give a presentation and trying to hold onto that "morning after" feeling when I've stayed up too late putting the final touches on my story. I'm trying to remember what it is like to be carefree and not worried about bills or work or being an adult. And most importantly, I'm trying to be thankful- for all that is to come in these next few weeks and for all the happy moments and "lasts" that will be experienced.
A Cup O' Joe
There is just something about a warm cup of coffee, with a little bit of milk and a dash of sugar that makes an afternoon spent writing, just that much better.
And that is exactly what my plan is for the afternoon: just me and my cup of coffee with my thoughts to put on paper. Not to mention- it brings me one step closer to finishing my thesis!!!
And that is exactly what my plan is for the afternoon: just me and my cup of coffee with my thoughts to put on paper. Not to mention- it brings me one step closer to finishing my thesis!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Umbrella Obsession
I'm on the hunt for a new umbrella. I mentioned my trusty (never flips up when it's windy) umbrella in my previous rain post. I love that umbrella, but I'll be honest- I'm kind of bored with it. It's just plain green which equates to boring. As much as I'd hate to cheat on my umbrella, I'll admit I've been browsing the Web in search of the perfect, non-boring, never flips up when it's windy, replacement umbrella. Here are my top picks:
I love this black and white umbrella from Coach. It's simplistic annnd classy. But, I cannot justify the $90 price tag on this bad boy, and I would prefer something with a tad more color. So... I began looking for some cheaper options.
Just because bubble umbrellas are fun, and I've secretly always wanted one, here is one I found at Target for only $21.
And here is my personal fave- probably because it comes from J-Crew, and is a reasonable price (only $26) for an umbrella:
I love the color and stripes, and might have to pick one up for myself- if I can part ways with my old one.
I just hate seeing regular, old black umbrellas (like my current one) when it's dark and rainy outside, thus my inspiration for shopping around for new ones....
I love this black and white umbrella from Coach. It's simplistic annnd classy. But, I cannot justify the $90 price tag on this bad boy, and I would prefer something with a tad more color. So... I began looking for some cheaper options.

And here is my personal fave- probably because it comes from J-Crew, and is a reasonable price (only $26) for an umbrella:
I love the color and stripes, and might have to pick one up for myself- if I can part ways with my old one.
I just hate seeing regular, old black umbrellas (like my current one) when it's dark and rainy outside, thus my inspiration for shopping around for new ones....
Date Night
It's been a few weeks since Ryan and I have both been in town and free on a Friday night. Sooo.... we decided to go see a movie. After persuading him that he really didn't want to see "The Hot-tub Time Machine," we decided to go see "Date Night." Ryan initially thought is was a chick flick, but once he saw the trailer, he knew he couldn't pass up an opportunity to see Steve Carell annnnd Tina Fey.
And it didn't disappoint. It was really funny- but even funnier was the older guy sitting in our row who kept laughing really (and by really, I mean everyone in the whole theater could hear him) loudly throughout the entire movie. I give it an A+, and don't forget to stay after for extra scenes.
Then, because everyone needs a little bit of chocolate in their lives, we decided to hit up Cheesecake Factory for some yummy dessert.
I chose the brownie sundae cheesecake:
and Ryan chose some Peanut Butter concoction:
Both were delicious!!! I did, however, feel slightly guilty for nomming almost my whole piece- but decided it's okay to live a little sometimes..... All in all, a good Friday!!!!
And it didn't disappoint. It was really funny- but even funnier was the older guy sitting in our row who kept laughing really (and by really, I mean everyone in the whole theater could hear him) loudly throughout the entire movie. I give it an A+, and don't forget to stay after for extra scenes.
Then, because everyone needs a little bit of chocolate in their lives, we decided to hit up Cheesecake Factory for some yummy dessert.
I chose the brownie sundae cheesecake:
and Ryan chose some Peanut Butter concoction:
Both were delicious!!! I did, however, feel slightly guilty for nomming almost my whole piece- but decided it's okay to live a little sometimes..... All in all, a good Friday!!!!
Here is a little sneak peek of what came in the mail a few weeks ago.... I spent today getting them ready to send out.
Graduation is so close that sometimes I can't believe that two years went by so fast. So for now, I'm trying to cherish my last few weeks as a student.
Graduation is so close that sometimes I can't believe that two years went by so fast. So for now, I'm trying to cherish my last few weeks as a student.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Puppy Envy
My mom sent me a picture of this today:
Followed by this:
Needless to say, my puppy envy has returned (well it never went away) in full force.... counting the days until I decide I'm grown up enough to get my own..... Who can resist those precious little faces?? Seriously.... I could snuggle with that ALL day!!!!
Followed by this:
Needless to say, my puppy envy has returned (well it never went away) in full force.... counting the days until I decide I'm grown up enough to get my own..... Who can resist those precious little faces?? Seriously.... I could snuggle with that ALL day!!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
April Showers Bring May Flowers
April Rain Song
Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.
~ Langston Hughes
It rained today in Austin- and it felt great. It has been humid outside all week, so I knew it was coming. I wasn't prepared. I left my trusty green umbrella- the kind that never flips up in the wind- dangling from its spot on my coat rack at home. By the time I finished with class, the skies had finally made good on their promise of rain, and sure enough, it was pouring.
Today, I appreciated the rain. It was a reminder to slow down and enjoy the little things a bit more. Instead of walking home after class, I decided to wait out the downpour in the lobby of my building. I had a chance to chat with my friend Eva, who I haven't seen since spring break since our schedules are so hectic. It was much welcome, and would not have happened had the sun been shining. We had a chance to talk about our futures, about our master's report, about our classes, and I was reminded how much I'm going to miss her when she moves to Michigan to be with her fiance after graduation in May.
The rain washes away all the dirt and grime- it makes everything fresh and happy. And when the sun is shining, the rain makes it seem that much brighter.
And hopefully tonight, if I'm lucky, the rain might just play a sleep song on my window.
I Love Me Some Fro-Yo
I'll admit it—I'm a fro-yo fanatic. I just can't help myself. I go at least twice a week- I think I have a problem. And with so many yogurt places popping up around Austin, I need to sample them all- right? To decide which one is my favorite?
Well, that being said, I kind of already have my favorite one picked. Not kind of- I do have a fave already, but it still doesn't deter me from hitting up a new fro-yo place every once in awhile. I DIE for Yogurt Planet at the Triangle. The taste and consistency of the yogurt is what makes this place stand out above all the rest. Seriously. It's so creamy, that you completely forget it's fat free the moment it hits your tongue. Delish!
My friend J-Fred and I went out to dinner last night at Mama Fu's at the Triangle- which conveniently happens to be within walking distance of Yogurt Planet. We sat out on the patio, and I eyed my favorite fro-yo place all through dinner. After we were done eating, I convinced J-Fred to head on over to get some yogurt.
I always know what I like, but I never know what I want (story of my life). So, I always ask for the sample cups- the woman handed us each .... a grand total of ONE. One?!?!!?!? Who does that? Better make it good. I'm more of a tart yogurt kind of girl. I love the way it tastes with fresh fruit, or the sweetness of coconut. Buuut, I decided to sample the cake batter flavor. Annnnd it was delicious. I dislike breaking with the norm, so I decided to go for my usual: original tart, mango and pomegranate. Yum! I sprinkled some coconut on top, and I was a happy girl.
Did I regret my decision to bypass the cake batter and go with the tart? Nope.... It just means I have plans to go back and get me some more fro-yo of the cake batter kind!!!
Happy Thursday,
Well, that being said, I kind of already have my favorite one picked. Not kind of- I do have a fave already, but it still doesn't deter me from hitting up a new fro-yo place every once in awhile. I DIE for Yogurt Planet at the Triangle. The taste and consistency of the yogurt is what makes this place stand out above all the rest. Seriously. It's so creamy, that you completely forget it's fat free the moment it hits your tongue. Delish!
My friend J-Fred and I went out to dinner last night at Mama Fu's at the Triangle- which conveniently happens to be within walking distance of Yogurt Planet. We sat out on the patio, and I eyed my favorite fro-yo place all through dinner. After we were done eating, I convinced J-Fred to head on over to get some yogurt.
I always know what I like, but I never know what I want (story of my life). So, I always ask for the sample cups- the woman handed us each .... a grand total of ONE. One?!?!!?!? Who does that? Better make it good. I'm more of a tart yogurt kind of girl. I love the way it tastes with fresh fruit, or the sweetness of coconut. Buuut, I decided to sample the cake batter flavor. Annnnd it was delicious. I dislike breaking with the norm, so I decided to go for my usual: original tart, mango and pomegranate. Yum! I sprinkled some coconut on top, and I was a happy girl.
Did I regret my decision to bypass the cake batter and go with the tart? Nope.... It just means I have plans to go back and get me some more fro-yo of the cake batter kind!!!
Happy Thursday,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Easter: Past and Present
Since I moved to Texas six years ago, I have been unable to spend Easter in California with my family. Sad days. When I was younger- okay- every year of my life, my mom made homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Easter morning, and I always woke up to a fun Easter basket filled with yummy Easter goodies. While I always feel a little sad that I can't be with my own family when Easter rolls around- I have been SO taken care of and provided for. Thankfully, God provides, and some very special families have adopted me for Easter over the years. These years have made for some of the best memories and make me so thankful- here is a quick recap of Easters past:
1. Freshman year at Baylor: I went to Plano with one of the girls from my hall. We decorated Easter eggs and had a relaxing weekend. It was so fun.
Jfred, Kim and me with another fish
And just in case you ever doubted my outdoor abilities- here is a fish I caught by myself.
And here is the catfish that Kim tackled with her bare hands!!!!
3 and 4. My junior and senior years at Baylor: I spent those two years going to Tulsa, Oklahoma to spend Easter weekend with Kelli Morris, Andy and the Morris family. They were SO fun. The Morris fam is awesome- they are so welcoming and inviting. I'm sad they don't live closer :( It was a great time to spend relaxing, going to church, decorating eggs and spending some time in the hot tub!
5. Easter my first year at UT: For once it was my turn to have Easter. K-rob came to spend Easter with me- since her sister was playing in a soccer tournament in Austin that weekend. We did Easter baskets, church, egg hunting and egg decorating. So fun- please come spend Easter with me again!!!
6. Easter 2010: This year, I spent Easter with the Weber Fam. I needed the day off, so I decided to use Easter as my "day of rest." It was so fun. We went to church, went to brunch... and then went to the Final Four game in San Antonio. The picture of everyone with the Easter bunny cracks me up. We told him to do a sic 'em... and the result is pretty creepy....
Here is to many more fun Easters to come my way... and yours!!
1. Freshman year at Baylor: I went to Plano with one of the girls from my hall. We decorated Easter eggs and had a relaxing weekend. It was so fun.
2. Sophomore year at Baylor: Me and my little, Kim Smith (also from Cali) stayed in Waco and spent the weekend with Jessica Frederick's family. It was so great, and one of the best stories came out of that weekend. Her family has some land in Crawford, and there just happens to be a water hole WITH fish in it. So, we decided to go fishing- with no great expectations on my part. Well, it was me, J-Fred, her brother, Kim and the Nolen sisters. We got to the water hole- and I kid you not- we saw a humungo shadow lurking in the water- of a HUGE fish. Well long story short, we were out there for awhile, and actually caught a few fish- but no one could hook the big one. Until I was standing there ( I swear that thing targeted me as the least experienced fisher-person out there) and the BIG one hooked onto MY line. I started screaming... so J-fred ran over to help me- it chewed through my line, and caught onto hers. It was something out of a movie- haha- seriously though. Like a pro, Jfred handled it expertly... and managed to get the catfish onto shore.... kind of... and I'm not kidding you- that sucker bit through her line as soon as she got it on land. So... Kim did the only thing she could think of, and TACKLED IT. With her bare hands... she jumped on the fish, and for a second, I thought she had it. Oh was everyone mistaken. The second she landed on the fish- in slow motion, it popped right through her hands, and back into the water. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. Just in case you thought this was a fisherman's tale.... here are the pics to prove it: 
J-fred, her brother and me with one of the fish we caught.
Jfred, Kim and me with another fish
And just in case you ever doubted my outdoor abilities- here is a fish I caught by myself.
And here is the catfish that Kim tackled with her bare hands!!!!
3 and 4. My junior and senior years at Baylor: I spent those two years going to Tulsa, Oklahoma to spend Easter weekend with Kelli Morris, Andy and the Morris family. They were SO fun. The Morris fam is awesome- they are so welcoming and inviting. I'm sad they don't live closer :( It was a great time to spend relaxing, going to church, decorating eggs and spending some time in the hot tub!
5. Easter my first year at UT: For once it was my turn to have Easter. K-rob came to spend Easter with me- since her sister was playing in a soccer tournament in Austin that weekend. We did Easter baskets, church, egg hunting and egg decorating. So fun- please come spend Easter with me again!!!
6. Easter 2010: This year, I spent Easter with the Weber Fam. I needed the day off, so I decided to use Easter as my "day of rest." It was so fun. We went to church, went to brunch... and then went to the Final Four game in San Antonio. The picture of everyone with the Easter bunny cracks me up. We told him to do a sic 'em... and the result is pretty creepy....
Here is to many more fun Easters to come my way... and yours!!
Nyquil+Master's Report
So I haven't blogged for awhile- well- things have been a little busy lately. I'd like to introduce you to my two new best friends as of late:
I made an awful realization several weeks ago. Not only was the first draft of my 8,000 word master's report due on April 7, but the first draft for my big story (3,000 words) for one of my classes, was also due the same day. Greeeeeat. So, I have been doing my reporting for my master's report, which is on the nursing shortage in Central Texas, but as of a week before the April 7 deadline, I hadn't had time to start writing.
And, as luck would have it, I started to feel a tickle in my throat on Friday, April 2.... By Monday- it had grown into a full blown couldn't stop sneezing or blowing my nose- COLD. Now, I never get sick- I haven't been sick for the past two years. But it was the reality of the situation. It was do or die.
So, I immediately entered what I like to refer to as my "military mode." Saturday, I sat down and wrote out my 3,000 word draft. I knew I had to get it done, and I had plans to take off Easter Sunday for reasons I will discuss in an upcoming post. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but keep in mind I wasn't as sick yet on Saturday. I took Easter off, and woke up Monday morning.... feeling horrible.
Great... I was sick. The realization hit me hard- I panicked for a split second. Then went back into 'military mode.' It was the kind of sick that makes you want to stay in bed all day because your head is spinning and you can't breathe. I felt too bad to even go to the store to procure some medicine. So, I became innovative. I grabbed my laptop, hopped back in bed, and started writing my 8,000 words.
By the end of Monday afternoon, I had written about 3,500 words. Okay- good... that meant I had to write the same amount on Tuesday and proof it all on Wednesday before I submitted it to my reader. Monday afternoon I finally broke down and had to go get some cold medicine. I don't really enjoy taking cold medicine, because I never know how it will make me feel. It worries me that I am asked to take the same dosage as an adult male who might weigh twice what I weigh. But, I needed something... anything to put me out of my misery.
So, I turned to Dayquil and Nyquil- and they saved my life. The Nyquil helped me sleep- which is never easy when you have a runny nose to contend with. And the Dayquil didn't make me too sleepy. Needless to say- I felt funny. I didn't feel quite right. I was definitely in a medicine induced haze. I managed to crank out the rest of my first draft pretty quickly. That kind of worries me. I proofed it on Wednesday before submitting it to my first reader- still in my haze.... sounded good, but keep in mind I was on cold medicine.
I'm still sick- not as sick as I was... but for some reason, I can't completely kick this thing. My work got done, and I was able to not worry about my master's report- at least for the rest of the week. For once, it was nice to have it out of my hands, even if it was just for a little while.
Once my first reader returns it, I can be a better judge of my work now that I am officially off my medicine. Hallelujah!!!!
I made an awful realization several weeks ago. Not only was the first draft of my 8,000 word master's report due on April 7, but the first draft for my big story (3,000 words) for one of my classes, was also due the same day. Greeeeeat. So, I have been doing my reporting for my master's report, which is on the nursing shortage in Central Texas, but as of a week before the April 7 deadline, I hadn't had time to start writing.
And, as luck would have it, I started to feel a tickle in my throat on Friday, April 2.... By Monday- it had grown into a full blown couldn't stop sneezing or blowing my nose- COLD. Now, I never get sick- I haven't been sick for the past two years. But it was the reality of the situation. It was do or die.
So, I immediately entered what I like to refer to as my "military mode." Saturday, I sat down and wrote out my 3,000 word draft. I knew I had to get it done, and I had plans to take off Easter Sunday for reasons I will discuss in an upcoming post. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but keep in mind I wasn't as sick yet on Saturday. I took Easter off, and woke up Monday morning.... feeling horrible.
Great... I was sick. The realization hit me hard- I panicked for a split second. Then went back into 'military mode.' It was the kind of sick that makes you want to stay in bed all day because your head is spinning and you can't breathe. I felt too bad to even go to the store to procure some medicine. So, I became innovative. I grabbed my laptop, hopped back in bed, and started writing my 8,000 words.
By the end of Monday afternoon, I had written about 3,500 words. Okay- good... that meant I had to write the same amount on Tuesday and proof it all on Wednesday before I submitted it to my reader. Monday afternoon I finally broke down and had to go get some cold medicine. I don't really enjoy taking cold medicine, because I never know how it will make me feel. It worries me that I am asked to take the same dosage as an adult male who might weigh twice what I weigh. But, I needed something... anything to put me out of my misery.
So, I turned to Dayquil and Nyquil- and they saved my life. The Nyquil helped me sleep- which is never easy when you have a runny nose to contend with. And the Dayquil didn't make me too sleepy. Needless to say- I felt funny. I didn't feel quite right. I was definitely in a medicine induced haze. I managed to crank out the rest of my first draft pretty quickly. That kind of worries me. I proofed it on Wednesday before submitting it to my first reader- still in my haze.... sounded good, but keep in mind I was on cold medicine.
I'm still sick- not as sick as I was... but for some reason, I can't completely kick this thing. My work got done, and I was able to not worry about my master's report- at least for the rest of the week. For once, it was nice to have it out of my hands, even if it was just for a little while.
Once my first reader returns it, I can be a better judge of my work now that I am officially off my medicine. Hallelujah!!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Blog Hiatus
Hey All,
I haven't forgotten to blog lately- In fact I have a lot of fun things I'd like to share. There is this little thing called my master's report/thesis that has been holding me back, however. I have 11,000 words due Wednesday and I seem to have caught a cold- so I'll be back to blogging Wednesday after 6 p.m.- once all of my things have been turned in. Get excited.
For now, I will leave you with a verse- that has been keeping me calm through the madness- in fact, looking back, it's helped get me through all the times my life has been crazy. It's a good reminder that God is a constant place of solace and comfort- even when things are hectic.
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'' Mark 6:31
I haven't forgotten to blog lately- In fact I have a lot of fun things I'd like to share. There is this little thing called my master's report/thesis that has been holding me back, however. I have 11,000 words due Wednesday and I seem to have caught a cold- so I'll be back to blogging Wednesday after 6 p.m.- once all of my things have been turned in. Get excited.
For now, I will leave you with a verse- that has been keeping me calm through the madness- in fact, looking back, it's helped get me through all the times my life has been crazy. It's a good reminder that God is a constant place of solace and comfort- even when things are hectic.
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'' Mark 6:31
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