April Rain Song
Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.
~ Langston Hughes
It rained today in Austin- and it felt great. It has been humid outside all week, so I knew it was coming. I wasn't prepared. I left my trusty green umbrella- the kind that never flips up in the wind- dangling from its spot on my coat rack at home. By the time I finished with class, the skies had finally made good on their promise of rain, and sure enough, it was pouring.
Today, I appreciated the rain. It was a reminder to slow down and enjoy the little things a bit more. Instead of walking home after class, I decided to wait out the downpour in the lobby of my building. I had a chance to chat with my friend Eva, who I haven't seen since spring break since our schedules are so hectic. It was much welcome, and would not have happened had the sun been shining. We had a chance to talk about our futures, about our master's report, about our classes, and I was reminded how much I'm going to miss her when she moves to Michigan to be with her fiance after graduation in May.
The rain washes away all the dirt and grime- it makes everything fresh and happy. And when the sun is shining, the rain makes it seem that much brighter.
And hopefully tonight, if I'm lucky, the rain might just play a sleep song on my window.
Aw... that was so sweet, Kira. Brought tears to my eyes. I'm going to miss you, too. Beautiful post. I love the poem at the top. :)