1. Freshman year at Baylor: I went to Plano with one of the girls from my hall. We decorated Easter eggs and had a relaxing weekend. It was so fun.
2. Sophomore year at Baylor: Me and my little, Kim Smith (also from Cali) stayed in Waco and spent the weekend with Jessica Frederick's family. It was so great, and one of the best stories came out of that weekend. Her family has some land in Crawford, and there just happens to be a water hole WITH fish in it. So, we decided to go fishing- with no great expectations on my part. Well, it was me, J-Fred, her brother, Kim and the Nolen sisters. We got to the water hole- and I kid you not- we saw a humungo shadow lurking in the water- of a HUGE fish. Well long story short, we were out there for awhile, and actually caught a few fish- but no one could hook the big one. Until I was standing there ( I swear that thing targeted me as the least experienced fisher-person out there) and the BIG one hooked onto MY line. I started screaming... so J-fred ran over to help me- it chewed through my line, and caught onto hers. It was something out of a movie- haha- seriously though. Like a pro, Jfred handled it expertly... and managed to get the catfish onto shore.... kind of... and I'm not kidding you- that sucker bit through her line as soon as she got it on land. So... Kim did the only thing she could think of, and TACKLED IT. With her bare hands... she jumped on the fish, and for a second, I thought she had it. Oh was everyone mistaken. The second she landed on the fish- in slow motion, it popped right through her hands, and back into the water. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. Just in case you thought this was a fisherman's tale.... here are the pics to prove it: 
J-fred, her brother and me with one of the fish we caught.
Jfred, Kim and me with another fish
And just in case you ever doubted my outdoor abilities- here is a fish I caught by myself.
And here is the catfish that Kim tackled with her bare hands!!!!
3 and 4. My junior and senior years at Baylor: I spent those two years going to Tulsa, Oklahoma to spend Easter weekend with Kelli Morris, Andy and the Morris family. They were SO fun. The Morris fam is awesome- they are so welcoming and inviting. I'm sad they don't live closer :( It was a great time to spend relaxing, going to church, decorating eggs and spending some time in the hot tub!
5. Easter my first year at UT: For once it was my turn to have Easter. K-rob came to spend Easter with me- since her sister was playing in a soccer tournament in Austin that weekend. We did Easter baskets, church, egg hunting and egg decorating. So fun- please come spend Easter with me again!!!
6. Easter 2010: This year, I spent Easter with the Weber Fam. I needed the day off, so I decided to use Easter as my "day of rest." It was so fun. We went to church, went to brunch... and then went to the Final Four game in San Antonio. The picture of everyone with the Easter bunny cracks me up. We told him to do a sic 'em... and the result is pretty creepy....
Here is to many more fun Easters to come my way... and yours!!
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