Monday, May 3, 2010

Big Girls Don't Cry....

Really- we don't. We take bubble baths. And get this: They. Are. Magical.

This day defeated me. I could feel it happening the moment I got the email. Under the facade of a smile, I was losing my grip on the situation. And when that happens- I turn to my people- and I did- and they came through.

I sat staring at the screen. *Okay, count to ten- remain calm.* This is a complicated situation- one best not relived. Long story short, I almost had to find a *new* second reader for my master's report, which is due on Friday because my second reader wanted me to change something I was not comfortable changing because I stand firm by my journalistic integrity. I am not a combative person- unless I feel as if I have been wronged. And today, I was ready to wage war. After a series of phone calls, emails and text messages between me, my first reader, my second reader and others willing to step in to fight the fight with me- the situation still wasn't resolved. If you know me, you know I dislike NOT being in control of a situation. And still not knowing whether or not my second reader will sign my form tomorrow is KILLING me. (with a capital "K"). But knowing that I have my people there- to offer kind words, emails, thoughts and prayers my way- makes the difference and makes the "not-knowing" just a tad more tolerable.

Put the smile on- and hope for a better tomorrow.

 After I spent some time venting to Ryan about my situation- and him reassuring me that I AM right and that I shouldn't compromise anything- it was time to head to the airport to pick up Reshma.

Take a deep breath and smile.

 The ride to the airport was nice. Not much traffic and some John Mayer on the radio. The day was redeeming itself. I had it all worked out in my head. Pick Reshma up, drop her off, revise my master's report and finish homework. Okay- the day was even seeming slightly enjoyable at this point.

Picked Reshma up- drove her home, dropped her off. No problem. See Starbucks on my way back to my apartment. Decide I deserve an iced white mocha. Stop in, grab my coffee and leave. Get in my car- and attempt to drive back home. Nope- not happening- not today. I had barely made it out of the parking lot- when it died. It just died on me. I was defeated. I don't cry- ever- but I wanted to reenact a scene from a movie. I wanted to hit my steering wheel- and cry. In the parking lot. I wanted to so bad. But I didn't.

I called AAA instead. Requested a tow truck. Then, I called Reshma to come save me. And she did. Thank goodness for having people- good people- people who offer to help- and people who tell you that they are sorry that your day is sucking- and who agree, that some tequila shots might indeed improve the day.

When she dropped me off at my apartment, I was drained- emotionally drained. I wanted to forget everything bad about today. So I took a bubble bath. A long, warm, not-getting-out until my skin is wrinkled like a raisin- bubble bath. I pulled out the big guns tonight- I needed to- so I lit some candles. Sitting in a tub filled to the brim with bubbles really helps you put things in perspective.

Like I said before- bubble baths are magical- they have the ability to wash away the grime from your day- and when you are finished- when all the things that dirtied up your day are clean again- it's time to get out and move on.

So now, my soul feels better- it is rested- it is clean. Tomorrow is a new day with new promises. And once again, I am reminded of His grace. Because when we are the most broken- or when we have the worst day- we can wake up again tomorrow- and know that it will be different.

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are NEW every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3:21-23

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