Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Graduated..... a Month Ago

Okay, so I'm fiiiinallly writing about graduation. I'm slowly getting caught back up on blogging here, and I still have some very exciting things to share. Coming soon I promise.

First things first:

1. I found the cat a home!!!!!!! One of my co-workers is taking him. She is coming to get him sometime this weekend. I'm so glad that he will finally have a home.

2. Ryan is in Europe- he has been since a couple of weeks ago. I'm officially jealous and itching for a vacation. But, I'm so glad I have a job- that I'll just have to wait until next year. For now, a few weekend trips will have to suffice, as will living vicariously through his pics.

3. I'm making my "summer to-do list" and I can't wait to share when it's finished.

As for graduation.... it was one crazy family/fun-filled weekend. It reminded me how lucky I am to have people that surround me who love me and support me. Everyone- and I mean everyone- came in on Friday. My mom and dad flew in Friday. Krob, Kim and Moose all drove in on Friday, along with Moose's puppy, Meeha. Kim's parents came in too. Since JFred lives in Austin- just a few blocks away from me, some people stayed with her. Moose and his dog-child stayed with me. My parents stayed in a hotel, and Ryan's family lives here.

By the time everyone made it to Austin (my parents insisted on getting a rental car and had a small snafu with directions) we were all hungry because it was time for dinner. So we headed to eat, and then it was time for bed.

I had to be on campus to line up at 8, so Ameera and I drove together. When we got there, I ran into Ryan's family. So funny. Now, since the J-school was so small, we all kind of found each other in the College of Communications line. They sat us all down in the auditorium by college, and we listened and watched several demonstrations about how to place our hoods over our arms... funny how we are all grad students- but no one could get the hood placement quite right.

Dean Rodriguez came in to give us a speech before we proceeded into Bass Concert Hall. She talked about how we were all Masters now. I like the sound of that ;) Apparently Ameera, Eva and I are the only fun ones- and the only ones with decorated hats..... so it made it easy for our fam+friends to spot us.

Tracy Dahlby, the director of the J-School, and one of my fave profs- was at the graduation to congratulate us all. It seemed like forever before the finally got to the College of Communications. They literally hooded everyone on stage- and made everyone pose for pics on stage as well. Awk....

When it was finally our turn, we all got hooded on stage, shook Tracy's hand, posed for pics... and then the real fun began :). In case you want to see the hooding, here is a link to a video that Eva's fiance recorded of she and I walking. If you listen closely- you can hear Moose yell "Sic 'em bears" at the end.

Then, it was off to Z-Tejas for a graduation lunch. I begged my mom to beg them for the patio- since it's so pretty, and they set us out there all by ourselves. It was really nice. I was most excited about my cake, which I had made at Polkadots. It's a bakery by my apt.... and their cupcakes are delicious, but their cakes are even better.

 After lunch we all just hung out for awhile. My fam came over to my apt and we all went to Toy Joy- which was fun for Steve-o!!!! Then we headed over to Ryan's parents' house, and they had dinner (a delicious dinner) for us- well mainly for my parents- haha- but the kids were invited too.

All in all- it was such a fun weekend- and I'm so thankful that everyone came to share in the festivities with me. It was a hard, but fun two years, and it was all totally worth it!!!!!! I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy the pics!

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