Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life Lately...

Annnnd after a brief blogging hiatus, I'm back! For good- so no worries. July has been kind of a whirlwind month so far, and I'm just now feeling my life begin to take root again. And I'm finally about to blog about the aforementioned "thing I couldn't mention," so get excited.

First, here is a recap of all things summer:

1. Steve-o brought my car on 4th of July weekend. And I absolutely L-O-V-E it!
2. Ryan and Rebecca's birthday weekend just happened to be 4th of July weekend also- so we celebrated- with cookie cake of course- because that is what you do when you turn any age. And being one year older doesn't make anyone less fun- so cheers to being 24!!!
3. I saw fireworks-after all- it's tradition.
4. I have officially been on the job for a little over a month- and I am blessed. I L-O-V-E my job and the people that come with it. I couldn't have asked for a better first "big-girl job."
5. Kelli and Hef came to visit me last weekend- and we laughed a lot, ate too much and hit up my fave wine bar, Uncorked. Come visit me again- my door is always open.
6. I found a GREAT new apartment- Love it- and more about that later.
7. My friend, Eva got married (finally) to her longtime fiance, Mateus. Congrats to you both and I look forward to a great party in BRAZIL next year!!!
8. And today, I completed a sewing project... on a sewing machine. I've clearly made great strides people. Haha. More about this later.

And now I find myself knee deep in moving boxes, packing tape and a 6 a.m. bootcamp (more about this later also)!

Read my latest post to see and hear about Jenny (one of my college roomies for two years) and Rusty's engagement!!!! It deserves it's own post and I'm so excited to share the story with you all!!

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