Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I enjoy Tuesdays. By Tuesday, everyone has had a chance to ease into their week. There isn't the unknown that comes with a Monday (what sort of work piled up over the weekend, or how many emails will I walk into?). It's a nice little stepping stone into the rest of the week.

I stumbled across this quote the other day, and it is a great reminder to not limit yourself:

 My boss was gone for a week, so we spent the greater part of yesterday morning playing catch-up on some projects. We focused a bit on one of my projects- the newsletter. When you deal with a bunch of doctors, it's so important to translate their "doctor-speak" into something that is easily understandable and interesting for your audience. So I've challenged myself to think outside the box a bit more when I'm planning and writing content.

Things I'm looking forward to this week: 

1. Sleeping in (finally) on Sunday.
2. Massage Sunday afternoon ( I am a firm believer that incorporating massage as part of a training plan is a must- seriously.)
3. Baylor v. UT game on Saturday

In Fantasy Football news: 

I have two wins, and two losses under my belt. I think my players are just getting warmed up :)

In marathon training news:

We ran 10 miles on Saturday morning. They were an awesome 10 miles. My goal for this particular run, was to run smart. I didn't want to walk away with a headache. We had some gorgeous cloud cover for this particular run and started off slow to warm up. We ran around the golf course at Hermann Park and Rice University. I drank water when I felt thirsty- not every-time we passed a water fountain. I ate my chomps around mile 5. We finished a little over our intended race pace, but felt really good after the run. I made sure to stretch properly, as well as use the foam roller on my muscles following our run. I was headache-free and pain-free after this run! This weekend we are going for 13!

Here is a helpful article I found on hydration!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fueling for a Long Run

Fueling is the #1 thing about running a long race that makes me nervous. I'm not one of those that experiences the "runner's flu," or even those other stomach issues mid or post-race. I do, however, experience some crazy bad headaches. Like- almost migraine status headaches- always following long runs.

I think now is a fantastic time to mention that I do occasionally suffer from migraines, but am currently on medication that controls them- and I've been migraine free for several years, and probably average about 1 (maybe) a year. Thank goodness!

Now, for shorter runs (8 miles and under) my headaches are typically nonexistent. But anything over 8, and I can expect to suffer from a pretty decent headache for most of the day. I have found that my GU Chomps, (Cranberry Apple is my go-to flavor because it isn't too sweet) have helped alot, especially if I eat them around mile 8. I don't ever have a taste for anything too sugary mid-run and prefer to keep my running snacks fairly neutral.

A friend told me about the Honey Stingers, so I picked some up last night after bootcamp to try on our long run this weekend! I got the pink lemonade flavor.

 Aaron stumbled across the Nuun tablets at this year's Austin Marathon, and we have been hooked ever since. We love them during a bike ride- and Aaron drinks them after a run. I'm more of a water and/or chocolate milk kind of girl post-run.Watermelon is my favorite. They have electrolytes and don't have a ton of extra sugar. And because I think my headaches might be due to a sodium deficiency, which is totally probable- I might start hydrating with Nuun tablets before, during and after my longer runs! They have so many different flavors to choose from- and they even have one that supports breast cancer awareness: 

 What are your go-to methods for hydrating and fueling during a long run? I'd love to know!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

100th Post and 5 Milestones I'm Celebrating this September


I've officially hit my 100th post for the blog, so it is officially a reason to celebrate! I think it's important to celebrate milestones- big or small. So here are five milestones I'm celebrating this September: 

1. We are officially in the 70's (at least this week) in Houston. I'm not a morning runner, but I sure wished I was able to get up and out for a quick run this morning. I'm so hoping all of our training in the heat and humidity will make us stronger runners in this cooler weather. Oh yeah, and cooler weather means that our fall decorations are finally legitimate. I stocked up on a few more decorations this weekend, and I'll be sharing some more of our fall decor over the next couple of weeks. 

2. Upping our marathon mileage: We are officially increasing the mileage week by week in preparation for the Chevron Houston Marathon. We are at a solid 8 miles and going for 10 this weekend. I'm struggling with headaches after my longer runs (nothing new), which has a lot to do with some fueling issues I need to fix, as well as hydration issues.
Bright colors make me happy during long runs!
  • Note: my go-to fuel for long races are the GU Chomps (like little fruit snacks) I swear by the apple-cranberry flavor because they aren't too sweet. They are easy to eat and run at the same time. When I eat these - typically around mile 8 or 9 during a race, I feel much better during recovery and it cuts my headaches down dramatically.  I'll have to do another post on other types of fuel I have experimented with during my runs.

3. Pedicures to keep my running toenails under control: You're probably wondering why I'm considering a pedicure as one of my milestones.... Well, you see, my second toenail on each foot, have both been running casualties over the years. I'm sad to say I lost both of them this past December. Sad Days. It really is the strangest thing- it's just those two problem toes. Gross, I know- probably a bit of TMI. I have actually been able to maintain my toenails this time around. Go team! It is almost impossible as a runner to have pretty feet- which is slightly embarrassing, given the fact that I do enjoy wearing my peep-toed heels to work. This time, I was determined to keep my toenails around. They do this really gross thing where they will actually start growing a second toenail underneath, turn completely black and then pop off. (I'm embarrassed I'm even sharing this). My trick this time around? A proper pedicure. Aaron and I have both been getting them- and I've found that by constantly maintaining your toenails has been a huge help at keeping them healthy. They haven't turned black yet! In all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of pedicures, because I feel like they are too time consuming, but this time around-they are worth it. 

 Any other toe-nail-less runners out there? Any tricks you've used that work?

4. A Promotion:

I've always said "work hard, play hard." I am in the school of thought that you need to work hard- like really hard- to get what you want. When it comes to my career, I work as hard as I can- because why wouldn't you? I'm happy to be surrounded by others who share the same philosophy! I had an email pop across my window from my boss a few weeks ago- a meeting invite. Strange. He doesn't normally do formal meeting invites. I thought he wanted to talk about October. Because October- October is busy. Remember that ebb and the flow? Well, right now, I'm feeling like I'm caught in a riptide. And as for the 2x2? There's not a whole lot more that can fit. I thought our discussion would revolve around the logistics of October. But then, people surprise you. He called me in to let me know that he appreciated my work and that I was receiving a promotion. I get to do the same thing, with a little more selectiveness on some of the other activities that take up some of my time and I can focus more of my attention on expanding our content (digital and written) as necessary!

If you're interested, you can see some of my articles on the Huffington Post! (another item on my bucket list)!

Now, it's still kind of on the hush hush, but I'll be official soon. :)

Now that deserves an adult beverage:

Remember this? We finally tried our Dancing Bee Winery wine, and it was pretty delish! This was the driest of the options, and we have one more Raspberry Melomel to try. You can definitely taste the honey (60%). Such a neat concept!

5.  I feel physically stronger than I have ever been. I have tweaked my diet a bit, by adding in more protein than I have before, as well as incorporating raw fruits and veggies every day, starting with my morning smoothie. I've seen a huge difference in my performance, as well as in my recovery after a long run. The yoga has really helped with my flexibility and my endurance is improving thanks to stronger muscles from bootcamp. I am looking forward to hopefully achieving that PR during the 1/2 marathon in Dallas in December. My energy levels are fantastic and I feel ready to tackle every day (after my cup of coffee). And as always, my mind is going like 50 miles per hour, that I could probably work a bit on quieting the mind!   

Workouts this week: A fast 5k Monday evening, yoga Tuesday evening, bike-ride Wednesday evening and bootcamp tonight!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fall Favorites+Marathon Update

I've been trying to hold out until the official first day of fall. I'll admit- I've caved a few times- and had my first PSL of the season at the very beginning of September. It's been a slippery slope since then. I've had a few PSL's here and there and some pumpkin creamer may or may not have slipped into my morning coffee, but this weekend. This weekend- things got real. And by real, I mean the roomie and I got a bit crazy and full-fledged decorated the house for fall. Oh well, in a few days, we will be official.
Freakin Charleston weather

And by official, I mean- I've already started busting out my neutrals:
This was from my event Monday evening. We brought in a zen master to speak on mindfulness in healthcare!
 Before I launch into the fall pics, let me discuss marathon training. I had a moment a couple of weeks ago, where I was tired of training in the heat, I got pooped on by a bird, and I just wasn't sure if I could up my mileage in time for the January marathon. I wanted so badly to drop down to the half. But, the weather got cooler this weekend, and upping my mileage the past two weeks hasn't been an issue, so I'm back in the right frame of mind.

We knocked out a 6-mile run last weekend and an easy 7-miler this past weekend- and honestly, felt like we could have gone longer. Pace was slightly above my intended race pace. The weather this weekend was perfect for a run. We started off at 8 in the morning, and it was probably about 80 degrees, but it was misting outside, so it felt nice. I didn't have any issues, but probably need to re-think my morning fuel as I increase the mileage. Fueling during long runs is the thing that makes me most nervous during races.

We ended the weekend with a 22-mile bike-ride on Sunday! Yoga was yesterday, and he led us through some great lower back stretches, a run tonight, and bootcamp tomorrow! I'll go anywhere from 8-10 miles this weekend depending on the time I have (I have to work Saturday), and probably throw in another bike ride.

Now, for fall:

And that is just the outside! We've since added some gourds and pumpkins to enhance the curb appeal- and are adding to the inside as well! I'll be back tomorrow with some other fall favorites, as well as some details about the outdoor decor!

Happy Hump Day!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Workday Wisdom and Life Lately in Photos - 5 Words or Less

Life has been crazy in the good kind of way lately. Remember this post on slowing down? Well, I hit the nail on the head, and that isn't happening anytime soon. This space has been neglected lately, but I'm not apologizing. Sometimes, when the tasks out-number the time, it's important to prioritize the things you can logically accomplish- and put items that can go on the back burner- on the back burner non-apologetically.

I've been preparing for a big meeting that happened yesterday afternoon. And by big, I mean B-I-G. It went well, and I happy to say we are moving forward with a B-I-G project. What I can say for now (as this remains semi-confidential at the moment)- is that hard work pays off. I am more professionally satisfied today (4 and 1/2 years) into my big-girl job than I was when I first started. It takes some time to sit back, re-evaluate and really listen to what type of work speaks to you.

My advice to those just starting out:  do your very best always.

  • Be polite to everyone without exception-always. you might never know in which capacity you might need their help. 
  • Do your very best at every little thing-always. what you might consider to be a minimal task, might be a big deal to someone else. 
  • Cross your t's and dot your i's- always. professionalism is always important. run that quick, five-second spell check before you send off an email. I'm much more inclined to take someone seriously if they don't have misspellings or grammar mistakes in the body of their email. 
  •  Be professional-always. even in the break-room. dress appropriately, speak and act appropriately- always. I would rather have someone judge me based on my work, than a conversation gone awry in the break-room.
  • Work hard-always. you don't get ahead without hard work. period. there will be long hours and tasks you might not always want to do. nothing should be beneath you, because everyone has to start somewhere. do your best at every little thing and people will take notice. 
That being said, as I start off my 28th year (my birthday was Sunday), I feel so incredibly thankful and hopeful for the year ahead. If it's anything like 27, we are in for quite the ride. I'm looking forward to making more memories this year ahead. Thank you all for the birthday wishes and the celebrations. I feel loved and my heart is so full! 

Krob's first time kayaking:

Picture with the fake Orbit:

First Baylor game this season:

Sawyer supports the Baylor Bears: 

LOVE my Barrington Baylor crossbody:

Sweet snuggles with my puppydog: 

Birthday cabana at Hotel Galvez:

Birthday friends: 
Birthday Kendra Scott bling: 

Our view from Hotel Galvez

Birthday brunch decorations: