To me, fall is such a nice complement to summer. It's about being cozy and maybe spending a bit more time inside. It's about remembering to take those quiet moments when you need them and staying a bit longer in bed because it's a bit chilly outside. It's a warm cup of coffee, a good book and a pumpkin buttercream candle. And if we're being honest with ourselves, it's also about those pumpkin spice lattes.

To me, it's also come to be about football (what? Did I just say that?) I never thought I'd say that really. Football was never a huge deal to me growing up in California. But Texans do football- and they do it big. And it's become one of my favorite fall traditions.
Typically, fall has been about slowing down, but this fall will be a bit different. I'm ramping up on a pretty big project at work, combined with a busy events season on my work schedule as well- it's shaping up to be fairly hectic. Not to mention that little marathon I'm training for, as well as the Dallas Metro PCS half marathon in December. So while I do hope to enjoy those football games, a good book and some pumpkin spice lattes- I'm going to have to reconfigure that restfulness portion of it. But you know what? I'm totally okay with that. I think my good friend, Oscar says it best:

Some of my fave summer pics:
Happy Weekending!
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