Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On being a journalist

One of the great things about being a journalist is that you are always learning something new. In the process of learning new things about people and things, you also learn new things about yourself. I think one of my favorite parts is going out and meeting new people- people that I might not have met anywhere else. Another great thing about journalism is constantly learning about different beliefs and values people hold- that might challenge my previous mindset. Too often, we are so set in our own beliefs, that we have a hard time accepting there are other ways of thinking that are just as valid as our own.

That being said, I am working on a story about midwives. I'll admit, when I think about midwives and people who use them, I think.. wait for it.... hippies. I think about people who are adamantly opposed to modern medicine- for a variety of reasons. Well, I've been interviewing people who have used midwives to deliver their babies. One woman I met yesterday helped me change my mindset. She opened the door- and looked normal. She wasn't the hippie I was expecting. In fact, she is anything but. She is extremely well-educated and seemed pretty freakin' savvy about a lot of things. She turned to midwifery because through her research she found it was the best alternative for her. It was about being educated, and making an informed decision. Her decision wasn't about rebelling against modern medicine just was about an extremely high c-section rate in Travis County, it was about her desire to have her baby naturally because she has a strong reaction to medication... it was about wanting to enjoy one of God's most precious gifts the natural way.

And there is nothing wrong with that....I found it's about making the best, most educated decision for yourself. And that is why I enjoy journalism- because it challenges my conventional wisdom every time I talk to someone new.


  1. Where is the bit about you getting a reading from a psychic????
