Sunday, March 21, 2010

On Psychics....

This past week I had the opportunity to go see a psychic. I was helping Ameera and Reno out with a story they are doing on psychics. And they asked if I would go get a reading done, so I figured why not? I wouldn't say I believe in psychics, but it was interesting to see what she had to say.

I was nervous going in- I wasn't sure what she would say- would she know some of deepest, darkest secrets? and Reno was filming the reading for the project. When I first walked in, she had me place my hands on top of hers, so she could read my energy. She said I was anxious and I was feeling sorry for myself. Interesting... I have been anxious lately- who wouldn't be? On top of looking for a job, my masters report, school and my internships- anxious is the word to describe how I feel. And yes, I probably was feeling a bit sorry for myself- I was feeling especially disgruntled about my lack of a spring break, so she hit my feelings right on the head....

Then, she did a past, present and future reading on me by using her cards. Thanks goodness she doesn't use the death card- I wasn't sure I was ready for that one. My past reading was very general, and thinking back, it could have applied to anyone. She said two things that were especially untrue in my case: she said I was coming out of a bad depression (especially far from the truth) and that I had a hard time trusting people (again, if you know me, you know I probably trust people too easily).

She was a bit eerily accurate in my present reading. She picked up on the fact that I don't feel quite right about the whole journalism thing. She said it. And yes, I do. It's hard to feel okay about a career where I might not be able to find a job, because there might not be any openings. So yes- I don't feel quite right about it, and she picked up on that right away. She also said that I am about to turn over a leaf in my life- again true, but very general. She knew I was a student, and that I would be graduating in May, so you could say that a new leaf will be turning over in my life soon. She also said there was anxiety in my present life- which as I mentioned before, is also true. But who isn't anxious? She picked up on the fact that there was a boy in my life- Ryan, and she was even able to do a mini reading on him- even though he wasn't there.

She picked up on the fact that Ryan is more sensitive then some of the others I have dated in the past. She even said he has been frustrated recently- and he has- he's been busy with school/work- but she said that things will improve for him soon. She also asked some pretty personal questions about our relationship....awwwwkward.

Then, she did my future reading. She said that I would be offered several jobs, but not to settle or take the first one. She said that all of my fears about the future would be assuaged, and that the tree card signified a new chapter in my life. True or not.. I'll take it.

Then, she said some things at the end that really surprised me. She said that I have good friends that are far away (yes I do), but she said I should sever ties with them-- ummm... I think not. I thought that was strange. My friends that are far away, are very near and dear to my heart, and there is a reason why we have kept in touch over the years... She also said I was a loner and preferred to be alone. Also an interesting interpretation, and very far from the truth. I love people and I love to be around people. I don't prefer to be by myself... ever.

After going to see her, my thoughts on psychics still haven't changed. While she did hit a few things right on the head, she was so wrong about some others- that I'm not convinced. Looking back, the things she said, could have applied to anyone. It was a fun experience, and one I wouldn't be against trying again. I think it's ok to go get a psychic reading every once in awhile for fun, but don't let it rule your life or help decide things for your future.

1 comment:

  1. I do not like this lady. You should not sever ties with me!
